Moving to BIM can seem like a daunting task. Successful implementation of BIM requires a careful and structured approach that takes into consideration the many integrated components of a firm’s business, starting with vision and leadership extending to individuals who will apply BIM in their day-to-day execution of projects.
Pilot projects are one component of a well-thought-out BIM implementation plan. But why a Pilot project? Three small firms, (David Miller Architects, Crate & Barrel, Miller Hull) have all successfully adopted BIM with smart decisions about pilot projects, training, and documenting work processes. Following you will find the most important lessons learned from the three Pilot projects. (Source Autodesk).
How to choose your pilot project
"Just because BIM is great for complex projects doesn’t mean you have to start with one. We didn’t bite off too much with our first BIM project, and it launched us into the BIM world very successfully." Miller Hull
" An “ideal” pilot candidate can be hard to find, and I don’t think it makes sense to wait too long. When most projects have tight budgets and aggressive schedules, I’d at least recommend avoiding running a BIM pilot on a project with an ultra-aggressive schedule." Crate & Barrel
"Piloting a small project that was a familiar project-type worked well for us. With a small project, it’s easier to change your way of working efficiently. " David Miller
BIM Perfomance
"At first, our level of efficiency was about the same as it was pre-BIM. Then, it started improving quite markedly. Looking back, I think the jump in efficiency really helped make our practice more sustainable during the recession. We’re also delivering a high level of consistency and quality, and our clients appreciate that." David Miller
" The three people who worked on the pilot served as BIM “seeds.” When they moved to their next project, they took their BIM knowledge with them. One experienced BIM team grew into three. Then, the people on those three projects took their BIM skills to their next projects. Our BIM know-how grew quickly and organically. Soon everyone in the firm was working in BIM, and it all began from one successful pilot project. " Miller Hull
" Near-term, BIM makes it easier to develop and win buy-in for a concept. With a model, you can communicate so much so much more quickly. We’re also able to create clearer deliverables faster. The big longer-term benefit is the ability to better forecast a building’s performance over its lifecycle. " Crate & Barrel
If you wish to start your BIM journey with your own BIM Pilot project, you will find that Autodesk "BIM Pilot - Getting started" guide is a great resource. The guide is divided in 5 chapters with information of what is BIM, how to establish your BIM vision and a BIM leadership team and how to start with a Pilot project. This Guide outlines a framework to assist organizations in planning for deployment of BIM pilot projects.
Panagiotidou Nicoleta, BIM specialist for Breakwithanarchitect
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